Get to Know Gelleesh

Gelleesh or Gel is a Filipina in her 30s who blogs to share her passion and advocacy to the world. She currently works in the customer experience (CX) industry as the Communications Supervisor at Foundever
™ in the Philippines doing marketing, branding, and public relations.

Aside from her fulltime job, she is also a CrossFit athlete, a freelance writer and editor, and she also gets to share knowledge about marketing and blogging through various speaking engagements.

Gelleesh is a beauty, style, and health & fitness blog born on June 2011 out of Gel's love for writing, curiosity about makeup, and to promote her passion and advocacy for body positivity.

For any queries, you may send an email at:


  1. Hello
    I am a big fan of your blog and have been a reader for quite a while. Are you currently accepting guest posts? If so, I would be happy to write one for you want - The choice is yours! (The only thing I ask for in return is just one or two do-follow links back to my website.) I am professional writer with a lot of blogging experience, so you can count on me to produce quality content. As soon as you reply with a topic, I will get started right away.

    I saw that you featured some guest posts in the past and I thought the piece was an excellent fit for your site and your readers. Let me know if you'd be interested in reading and possibly hosting and article, I'm excited about the possibility of working with you.

    I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

    Best wishes,


    Email Us:

  2. Just dropping by to say hi! It really was nice to meet you yesterday.

    I also wanted to say that I like your content, and that I love your advocacy!
    Hope to meet you guys again. :)

  3. I am kind of new to your blog, but the blog has some seriously nice stuff that I found very interesting as well as informative. Keep up the good work!

    Anime Caps

  4. Hi :) Your blog is very interesting :) I keep reading every article you post :)


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