Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Beauty Junkee Third Anniversary Giveaway

Part of the loot. Dami no? :P
Before I started blogging, I have been regularly visiting beauty blogs. I was initially introduced to beauty blogging by my friend, Celine, but I was not aware that there are beauty blogs in here in the Philippines because I follow beauty bloggers from the US like, of course, Temptalia. So when I Jen of and Kai of discovered my blog, they introduced me to the blogger community here in the Philippines. They are my first blogger friends here in the Philippines. Thanks girls! You see blogging for me is more than just reading, writing, reviewing products, getting free stuff and attending events. Through blogging, I've learned a lot and I've met awesome people whom I consider REAL friends now.

When I started blogging, I was quite active into joining giveaways; but once blogging opportunities started knocking on my door, I didn't have enough time to join giveaways. I actually miss joining one. So, when Martha told me about her 3rd Year Anniversary Blog Giveaway wherein she'd be giving away 16 loot bags worth P70,000 I was like: WTF! I'M SO JOINING THIS! I checked out her blog post and was already drooling on the stuff she'd be giving away.

The Beauty Junkee is one of the beauty blogs I follow and love reading and I'm glad I stumbled upon her blog while browsing beauty blogs during my first few months in beauty blogging. Her blog is one of those beauty blogs I trust when I'm looking for a product to try on. She's got good and honest reviews and I enjoy reading them. And she's actually one of the beauty bloggers to blame why I am out of moolah sometimes. Hahaha! I mean because of her product raves, you just can't help but check those out! Hahaha! And, well, I'm really naturally magastos. LOL.

Anyway, go join Martha of The Beauty Junkee's 3rd Anniversary Giveaway. She's got awesome stuff to give away for her blog readers whether you're a blogger or not! Awesome, right? Visit: to check out her current giveaway and the mechanics as well. This blog post is for my support not only to the giveaway but also to The Beauty Junkee.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Martha! Till next post! ;)


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