And just because the exact date of my birthday has passed,
doesn’t mean that good things will stop coming, right? As a matter of fact,
good things are just about to come, not just for me, but for all of my blog
I have been doing blog collaboration with HBC for a year
now, and I’m a firm believer of their campaigns and a supporter of the said
brand. Actually, not just their brand; you all know for a fact how I’m all for
local branded beauty products, right? And of course, as my blog readers, I’d
also want you to feel the same way as I do – that locally branded beauty
products can compete internationally too! That is why we, as the consumers,
should try them out, and voice out our opinion as to what we think should be
improved still and such things. That’s what we, beauty bloggers, are actually
already doing.
Anyway, let me introduce you to my blog’s current giveaway:
Girl Gets Kita! Be Beautiful Birthday
This loot is composed of my most favourite HBC/Sansan beauty
products and I’d want you, as my blog readers, to get to try them as well. You
might have already seen them in my blog as part of a review post, an FOTD (Face
Of The Day) or a Nail Of the Week post. So, I hope you’re also excited to try
out these products which I highly recommend:
- Hortaleza Professional Black Pelan Hot Oil
- SanSan BB Cream
- SanSan Foundation Cream
- SanSan Nail Polishes
- SanSan Kohl Eyeliner
- SanSan Creamy Matte Lipstick
So how will you win this awesome beauty loot from HBC? This
won’t be a raffle thing because I think I’d prefer choosing the answer which
would most connect with me (ang drama no?). Anyway, here’s what you need to do:
- Like Gelleesh on Facebook
- Like HBC on Facebook
- Follow @gelleesh on Twitter
- Follow @tweet_hbc on Twitter
- Post this in Twitter: Join the Girl Gets Kita Be Beautiful Birthday Giveaway of @gelleesh in collab with @tweet_hbc
- Comment below your answer to these questions:
1. What’s
your favourite HBC product?
2. How
can you be beautiful inside and out?
Follow this format at
the comments section:
Email Address:
Facebook Name:
Twitter Name:
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1:
Answer #2:
Best answer will win the HBC Beauty Loot. The giveaway will
end on September 30, 2013 and only my Philippine-based blog readers who are
willing to pick up their prize at their nearest HBC branch can join this
Thank you HBC for the continuous support in my blog and for
sponsoring this giveaway. And also to all my readers who have stayed, and
continued visiting and supporting my blog even though I don’t post every day. I
just always want to have something meaningful to share with you all when I put
up a blog post may it be a simple product review or an FOTD/OOTD post.
I have actually been kind of brain dead lately with regard
to writing. You know how my full-time job requires me to do writing as well so
it can also be quite tasking for me at times to push out more thoughts for my
blog. But, when I feel like it, when I feel like I have something to share to
you guys, I can just pour it all out.
Anyway, this is a giveaway post but I’m getting too
dramatic. Haha! Enjoy and good luck!
Name: Mayla Lagrimas
Email Address:
Facebook Name: Mayla Lagrimas
Twitter Name: @maymaxnin
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: Hortaleza Professional Black Pelan Hot Oil
Answer #2:
Think positive and positive things will happen.
Keep your house clutter free.
Avoid watching movies (horror or violence) before bedtime.
Go to bed before 11pm.
No sarcasm or frustration.
ReplyDeleteName: miyuki yamaguchi
Email Address:
Facebook Name: miyuki yamaguchi
Twitter Name: yukiigucci
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: i love der sansan nail polish ;d love the colors
Answer #2: i always think positive para hndi malosyang ;D i always smile to fight aging thats what my moms says to me <3
Name:sherry ann gole cruz
Facebook Name:sherry ann
Twitter Name:@annkharize
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1:my favorite HBC product is the sansan bb cream,it gives me a flawless finish that makes me more confident
Answer #2:Love who you are, everything from your body to your personality.Be conFident, live lovingly, compassionately, gracefully, honorably, joyfully and smile always.
Name: Aisha Kristine Chong
ReplyDeleteEmail Address: aishakristinechong [@] gmail [dot] com
Twitter Name: @msaishakristine / AISHA KRISTINE CHONG
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I honestly haven't tried any SANSAN Products so I'm joining this contest to probably find one that's good for me. I think their BB Cream and Matte Lipstick is one I want to try out.
Answer #2: Just be yourself. Learn to love yourself and be kind to yourself - that is the important thing, to have inner peace within - once you have that, you will unconsciously shine brightly looking beautiful and charming to everyone else. Being able to be the best version of yourself means that there is a need to look after yourself the best that you can - that is beauty. Plus, an added confidence will always make you sexy. :)
Name: Arian Yupangco
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Facebook Name: Arian Yupangco
Twitter Name: @ArianYupangco
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: My favorite HBC products are their nailpolish. I love how the formula always goes on so smoothly with the perfect consistency, plus it dries really fast and can last a week for me without chipping even if I don't use a top coat! I'm not very good at doing my nails sometimes, but it's so much easier with their particular brand of nailpolish. It's so affordable too! I can easily buy 2-3 shades at a time.
Answer #2: To be beautiful inside and out, I believe in utilizing two things: a positive mindset and great beauty products. If I -feel- confident, I know I'll see myself as confident inside and out. Using great beauty products and makeup, like from HBC with their foundation and blush, also helps me to easily feel beautiful both ways.
Name: Flor Ann Basa Guarino
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Facebook Name: Flor Ann Basa Guarino
Twitter Name: @rolfnna
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I really love thier Nail Polish, lipstick and also the BB Cream. The BB cream helps me a lot especially in moisturizing my face and it helps me protect me from sunlight. Every time i put BB cream I feel beautiful.
Answer #2: Being beautiful inside and out for me is to stay healthy. I always eat healthy foods, every day I do exercising, I smile, I'm keeping my heart open to other people, I really keep my authenticity and I always look in the Mirror and say "I am Beautiful, just the way I am."
Name:Vicenta C. Rada
Facebook Name:Vicenta Castillo Rada
Twitter Name:@vicenta1979
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1:my favorite is ALLUE Shimmer cheek blush and sparkle eyeshadow,and currently using now Sansan Foundation Cream
Answer #2:be stress-free.matulog ng tamang oras.drink enought water,eat right amount of food.
Name: Emiliana Sison
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Facebook Name: Emiliana Sison
Twitter Name: @millette05
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: Hortaleza Professional Black Pelan Hot Oil
Answer #2: Smile and the whole world will smile back at you. Beauty is skin deep so how good you feel about yourself reflects outwards.
Name: Jea Blancaflor
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Facebook Name: Jea Blancaflor
Twitter Name: @forevahdreamy
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1:I love their nail polish & lip gloss. It looks me fab & classy!
Answer #2: Being beautiful inside & out means to wear a smile always. To stay healthy, exercise well & be positive in whatever means.
NAME: Mara Jerimee Galang
TWITTER NAME: @marchyde078
ANSWER #1: I love their Sansan eyeshadow palette, looks natural on me. And their hair color creams, long lasting and easy to use. :)
ANSWER #2: Just Love who you are, everything from your body to your personality. Learn to have confidence in yourself without becoming self-indulgent or arrogant, as this is not the mark of true inner and outer beauty.Define and live by your own personal belief and value system.You will also seem like a more genuine person to others if you practice what you preach.
When you are truly beautiful inside and out, the compliments that are offered without request will mean the most. :)
Name: twinkle tapalla
Facebook Name: twinkle joy hapin tapalla
Twitter Name: Cutie_Twinkle15
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: i love san san lipstick.ive tried it and its my mom's. i loved it.
Answer #2: just being myself and handle all good vibes
Riyalyn Gatdula
Rain Gatdula
1. Sansan Lipstick and face power!
2. Just be yourself, unique and be goal oriented! And have a heart of gold! You always carry yourself lightly!
Name: Rhia Halili
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Facebook Name: Super Airam
Twitter Name: @h_rhia
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: My favorite HBC product is their Coconut hair conditioner! It does worked well for my hair and it smells so good!
Answer #2: I can be beautiful from inside and out by being kind, friendly, healthy and intelligent personality wise on the inside and being attractive on the outside. We're all BEAUTIFUL! ^^
Name: Pat Manasan
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Facebook Name: Patricia C. Manasan
Twitter Name: becomingsleek
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: San San Nail Polishes! I love the colors and the application is good.
Answer #2: The golden rule has always been my mantra: do unto others what you would want done unto you. Being beautiful inside and out just means that it is your choice how you treat others. Be excellent and compassionate to all, and that is how you will be treated in kind.
Name: Jessamer Abing
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Facebook Name: Jessamer Abing
Twitter Name: @jexxaaaaaagg
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: Hortaleza Hair products
Answer #2: Self confidence is the only key for being beautiful in and out
Name:Elsie Valdez
Facebook Name:Ging Libres Valdez
Twitter Name:@therealging30
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1.I love HBC's Body Recipe's Pure Coco Oil Bar Soap,bought once and I love the results,it leaves my skin soft and smooth.
Answer #2.Living a stress and worry free life as much as I can.Throw away all the negative vibes and you'll feel beautiful inside and out.
Name: Fati recede
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Facebook Name: Fati Recede
Twitter Name: @_itsmefati
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: My favorite HBC products is the SanSan Creamy Matte Lipstick :)
Answer #2: By taking care and loving my own body. Give the care it needs because loving your body is loving what God has given to you. And helping others without expecting in return. And of course, being nice to people because we don't know what they are going through. :)
Name: Marilyn Gomez Gomabo
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Facebook Name: Marilyn Gomez Gomabo
Twitter Name: @allenrjgomez
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: Kensington Ablutions Cherry Bloom
Answer #2: Come home with a smile and indulge myself in a relaxing Kensington Ablutions Cherry Blossom Fragrance
Name: Sheela Richen Daminar
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Facebook Name: Sheela Richen Demecillo Daminar
Twitter Name: @xeelala
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: What’s your favourite HBC product? My favorite would be San-san's eyeliner pen in black.
Answer #2: How can you be beautiful inside and out? Always take care of one's body by eating healthy foods and regular exercise. Always have a positive look in life and don't forget to smile.
Name: Jessiemer ABing
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Facebook Name: Jess Abing
Twitter Name: @JessieDCa
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: the ombre color hair
Answer #2: to stay positive and think of the best things in life
Name: Diana Beatima
FB Name: Diana Advincula Beatima
Twitter Name: @dianne1276
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I love SanSan Eyeliner Regular Kohl Black & Blue
Answer #2: I make it sure I will live a stress and worry free life. Smile and positive vibes to make my day complete.
Name: Rochell Geronimo
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FB Name: Chell Kong Geronimo
Twitter name: @chekkik
Twitter post link:
Answer #1: I love Hortaleza Professional Hair Spa! :)
Answer #2: Being beautiful inside and out is simple. As for me, transmitting health from within, having the confidence and the self-knowledge to respect and taking good care of my body are considered. But the most important thing is that I make sure that physical appearance must go in hand with values :)
Name: Cecille Azucena
Facebook Name: Cecille Azucena
Twitter Name: @thabibe11
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I love the products that really smooths my hair all that concerns with my hair, really like it all
Answer #2: To be beautiful inside and out is how you carry yourself, being a positive thinker big no no to negative vibes,stress free and most of all be God is the center in life :)
Name: Clarisse Litiatco
FB: Clarisse Anne Litiatco
Twitter: @clailitiatco
Twitter post:
Answer #1: I super love the HBC henna temporary hair color and their nail polish because they have nice color range and what I love about San San nail polishes is that they dry fast.
Answer #2: There are endless definitions of "beauty" or being "beautiful" but one thing that can make a woman beautiful inside and out is by simply thinking you are beautiful in your own ways no matter what other people tell about you. Remember, you are not what people think of you, you are what you think of your self. :-)
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ReplyDeleteName:Allan Reyes
Facebook Name:Allan Reyes
Twitter Name:@allanoreyes
Twitter Post Link:
Answer 1-I love Hortaleza Professional Hair Spa
Answer #2:-Be happy 24/7.
Name: Jenny Esplana
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Facebook Name: Jenny Esplana
Twitter Name: @jesplana009
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: The Hortaleza Professional Hair Treatment
Answer #2: Stretch yourself and wake up and sit on your bed with a very beautiful and confident smile. Thank God for giving you such a beautiful life and such a beautiful morning.
Name: wendy rose santillan
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Facebook Name: wendy rose santillan
Twitter Name: @sunnywendy09
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: the body recipe pearl cream stick
Answer #2: contentment, confidence and believing in oneself makes a person beautiful inside and out. no matter how u look, as long as u believe in urself that u'r beautiful, then people wud also believe that u are beautiful. and lastly, being beautiful on the outside is useless if u'r ugly on the inside. being beautiful is to be able to influence others that they're also beautiful, not only on the outside, most importantly is on the inside.
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ReplyDeleteName:RUBY S. PAPIO
Facebook Name:Ruby Salazar Papio
Twitter Name:@ruskimby
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1:My favorite HBC product is false eyelashes coz its so nice and affordable and i also loved hortaleza Body Recipe Skin Lightening Powder
Answer 2:Be confident be happy and stay nice to others
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ReplyDeleteName: Leah Aminah Pajota
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Facebook Name: Aminah Pajota
Twitter Name:Aminah Pajota
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: The san san natural face powder SIMPLE
Answer #2: i think i can be beautiful inside and out by my own HEART using my heart to find the good and real friends using my heart by being a good person to the other people around you but the most important thing is being ME is the most beautiful one . being the best person .
Name: Kristine Ann Bernarte
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Facebook Name: tinay bernarte
Twitter Name: @tinayz16
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: SanSan Kohl Eyeliner (Brown) I REALLY LOVE IT! its perfect for my eyebrow! :) thats the only
eyeliner suites me..
Answer #2: Just being simple makes me beautiful, i dont have to buy expensive make up just to say im beautiful Using SanSan (Cheap Price) is more than enough and helping other makes me more beautiful inside and out :)
Name: Mary Anne Ramirez
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Facebook Name: Ria Ramirez (
Twitter Name:@rhiyaramirez4
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I like the Hortaleza hair products and treatments but I what I like most is their Hair Spa Treatment I buy them every month as it keeps my treated hair soft and silky smooth
Answer #2: One can be beautiful outside if he/she has a pure & kind heart. You don't have to be sexy, white in color or to be like an 'artista' look-alike to be beautiful outside. You have to good to others, be respectful and kind-hearted and you also got to have a positive outlook in should always be happy like you are a child... from there a certain aura will come out in you and you will shine like a star even if you're black or white, even if you are 'pango' or bansot, everybody will see you as the most beautiful person in the world. So just always be happy like a kid, just be happy even without a particular reason, just smile and show the world how beautiful you are! :o)))
Name: Maribeth Carla Cimafranca
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Facebook Name: Carla Cimafranca
Twitter Name: @xala_gal
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: I like the San San lipstick!
Answer #2: To believe in myself is the key to my beauty.
Name: caryn morales
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Facebook Name: nyrac selarom
Twitter Name: @yenmorales
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: hp luminox
Answer #2: being beautiful inside and out, you should be able to instill good values to people around you.
Kirsten Allysandra San Juan
Facebook Name: Kirst SJ
Twitter Name: @KirstAllys
Twitter Post Link:
Answer #1: Hortaleza Professional Black Pelan Hot Oil
Answer #2: Always smile. Your smile brings out all the beauty in you.
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