Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Choosing My First Anti-Aging Moisturizing Cream

I just, officially, turned 25! I remember my mom telling me, while we were having our lunch out, that she already got married at that age. And... Here I am, still wearing my cat ears headband. Teehee! I still feel young and I still want to be young, so my mom told me: "It's about time you get an anti-aging moisturizer, young lady."

So, mom and I headed to Watsons after our lunch and went to the section where you can spot their anti-aging moisturizers. Mom is using Olay, but I want to try something different so I checked out Pond's and decided to get the Pond's Age Miracle Cell ReGEN Day Cream.

Why I'm Using an Anti-Aging Moisturizer Now?

They say skin aging starts, on an average, at 25; and since I just turned 25, I guess it's enough reason to start using one. Another thing is that premature aging can happen when you are frequently exposed under the heat of the sun and, I have to be honest... I hate bringing an umbrella and working for a non-profit organization will entail you to do field work; hence... Yes, you do the logic. And, honestly, isn't prevention better than cure? Start early on protecting your skin rather than regret it in the future. Anti-Aging Creams hurt nobody!

Why did I choose Pond's Age Miracle Cell REGEN Day Cream?

This product has SPF 15, which can protect my skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Pond's has also already established a good name in the skin care industry so, I guess, that was one of the biggest reasons as well. For an Anti-Aging Cream, this product is also pretty inexpensive. Anti-Aging Creams don't come cheap, mind you so don't be fooled if you see an Anti-Aging Cream below P500.00 (although it's pretty possible if you'd be purchasing the smaller sized ones) but, normally, they don't come cheap. This product costs around P600.00+ so it's a good start for us who just turned 25!

What are my thoughts so far?

First of all, I like the classy-looking packaging of this product although dipping your fingers in the glass tub can be a bit unhygienic. It has a mature and lovely scent that I just love and it doesn't feel sticky even after having a long day. As for the result... Come on... You will only get to see the result once you get older and realize that you're skin is aging pretty slow. Thank God for Anti-Aging Moisturizers!

Take care of your skin. This is not just because I am a beauty blogger but because every women needs to know this. Yes, it's our own choice if we'd want to try such measures to keep our skin's youthful glow but it also protects your skin and isn't it true that we should be loving our own body? This is not about wanting to look superficially beautiful, but more of taking that responsibility to take care of your skin because you, basically, live in it.


  1. Hahaha you just turned 25! OMG! that makes me feel bad that I turned 25 last April pa yet I'm still into cute stuff naman hehe!:) I guess it's different now when you reach 25. Nevertheless, growing old is a blessing cos you get to live!:) I might try this when I get the chance :)

    1. True that, Ava! Cheers to being 25 and still loving cute stuff! Hehe :)

  2. Hi, Gellie! Thanks for sharing this. I recently turned 24, but been using anti-aging creams since I was 22. I haven't tried Ponds, but thanks to your review, I might do. Currently using SK II stempower moisturizer. It is really good.

  3. Hi Gellie! Thanks for this reviews, there is no second thought that Pond's Age Miracle is a wonderful anti aging solution, but I'm using dermology anti aging cream since I was 26 now I'm 30 and really enjoying the benefit of this cream. Thanks!

    1. And I will check that one out. Thanks, Melissa! :)

  4. Good choice. Pond's is a constant, I think, like an old reliable when it comes to moisturizers. It's either a nice place to start for newbies or a classic choice to come back to for moisturizer lovers. :)

    1. My mom uses Olay naman. Might try that one out after a year or two, I guess :)

  5. Hey Gellie Hats off to you ! You have started early in life. I am sure the Anti Aging solution you have chosen helps you retain your youth and shine on your skin.


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