Monday, October 27, 2014

OOTD: On This Broken Merry Go 'Round

I guess, in a way, I have become this stronger woman because of the adversities I have been facing and as well the many changes I had to deal with in my life. I am not just talking about work but also in my personal life both within my family and, well, love life. I wanted to get out of where I was before but I was so afraid because I was in my comfort zone. I was doing good; but little did I know that through not wanting to undergo change, I am letting myself stagnate.

"Same hurt in every heart. Same trailer, different park."

 I remember how actively I have been dating but I felt like I am doing something wrong because it does not always work out. And, for me, just because it didn't work out with the other people doesn't mean it wouldn't work out ever. I just needed to find what I was doing wrong or maybe they're not just "the one." In the end, I figured out that it was both. I was giving in to the wrong people and I have let myself fall for those who do not really appreciate me. I have also been trying different things that I, ultimately, forgot what it is that I really wanted. Different guys, similar  stories, same endings. I tried settling for the lesser things but, obviously, I should never.  When I started going out with the guy I am, currently, seeing (For those of you whom I am friends with in Facebook... Yes, we're official now) we connected really well and, even though, there were differences in some of the things we believe in, we were able to understand and respect each other. And, to tell you quite frankly, I have never felt this comfortable with someone before. Well.. After I started actively dating, I mean. He was someone who is not afraid to commit, to take the step forward and loves and appreciates me for my past, my present and my future.

"Same checks we're always cashin' to buy a little more distraction."

I have been talking a lot about the changes I had to deal with at work. Before I took the step forward, there has been a long and hard debate inside myself... If I leave, I will be at an unsecure place and there is that tendency that I might lose my job; but if I don't leave, I won't grow. I may have that steady and secure place to earn money but I am always stressed because of the repetitiveness and the stagnating feeling I've had inside me. I may have been able to buy almost everything I want before and go out anytime I want but is that all there is to life? I needed a bigger purpose and that purpose was revealed when I took a step to change.

Bag: Liz Claiborne | Shoes: Primadonna
"Just like dust we settle in this town."

Leaving my family and, finally, living by myself is one of the biggest decisions I have made in my life. I became stronger, more responsible and I learned a lot of things. And now, during these hard times in my family, I am now more capable of giving and helping out because the challenges I have faced has molded me into a better and dependable person.

Dress: Nicky | Kimono: Nicky
If I would summarize all the things that I have learned this year, it is that change is something we should never be afraid of but we should still be careful. In taking risks, we learn and we become stronger. I am quite elated with how my life has been going. I was able to get out of that endless broken merry go 'round. I have moved on.


  1. I love how you incorporate blue and red in your outfit ♥

  2. hi gellie! i love the print of your maxi dress! <3 thanks for being so sweet and always stopping by my blog. i super super appreciate it :)

  3. Hi Gellie, nice to be connected with you :) I totally agree with you. Change is inevitable and we have to deal with it in the best way that we can <3

  4. First off the outfit looks so fab on you!:) It's such an amazing dress!:)

    Regarding the changes, I'm glad that you've gone to a better turn and understanding with it. Change is never easy and inevitable, so no use fighting it. :) Hope things get much much better!

    1. Thanks, Ava. True that change is inevitable and if we try to resist, we only end up stagnating. Cheers to change and to being stronger everyday! :)

  5. Gellie! I miss you na :( It's been ages since the last time we had chika together with the gang. We need to face those changes talaga and I hope in every change comes light. It's always for the good naman so I'm happy you're becoming stronger than ever :)

    1. Let's do a mini Christmas get together! IMY too! :)

  6. I love reading posts like this. Very inspirational! :) I admire you for having the courage to accept that change is inevitable. Change is necessary in order for us to grow and improve. Some people are daunted by the thought but little do they know that it is something they need in order to become better.

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

    1. Thanks, Jenn. It does take a lot of courage to accept the changes in our lives esp if you have gotten so used to what you, currently, have or do. It's a step by step process that cannot be accomplished in just one night; but it's not something one should always be afraid of, but rather, one should always be excited about. :)


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