Wednesday, September 09, 2015

This I Promise My Heart- The #PangakoSaPuso Campaign

So for September 29, the world will be celebrating the official World Heart Day. Wow, I initially didn't know that such exists. For some of us, witty #Hugot lines would be the first thing that we would think of; but what most of us may not be aware of is that there is a more serious health issue concerning our hearts that is killing millions of people thus the campaign. It's about time we are reminded of the dangers of Cardiovascular Diseases.

According to a 2009 study done by the Department Of Health, 170,000 Filipinos die from cardiovascular diseases each year which means that it still remains to be the country's top killer. And as per what I have observed with the people around me and the communities I've gone to, some people have this mentality that they're perfectly healthy as long as they don't feel anything odd or any pain.

I remember a medical mission I was a part of a few years back, a man in his 50s was found out to have a way beyond than normal blood pressure yet he doesn't feel any pain and insists that he'd be okay. That is quite alarming, don't you think?

I think I got lucky. Our organization requests for an Annual Physical Exam to check our vitals and current health state. Thank God I'm still perfectly healthy; but would I wait until I'm already feeling something or until I'm diagnosed with an illness? They say prevention is better than cure and I agree.

After being more aware and informed about the dangers and probable causes of cardiovascular diseases, I continued researching and found out what I should be doing and avoiding and through SHARING's #PangakoSaPuso Campaign, here are the promises I made to my heart to keep it healthy:

1. I will walk more and use the stairs instead of the elevator
2. I will eat healthier food (more greens instead of fatty and junk food)
3. Eat small frequent meals (will also help me lose weight for my PCOS)
4. I will continue avoiding smoking

I will also be sharing, soon, through SHARING a photo of with one of the promises I made to my heart and be part of the people advocating for a healthier heart and supporting the WORLD HEART DAY on September 29.

To stay updated about this campaign, like SHARING on Facebook:

How about you, what's your #PangakoSaPuso? 


  1. This is such a wonderful campaign. I hope more people share about this, so we can reach out to people in need. :)


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