Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Impulsive Buying

Yes, I am very "kuripot" but it's the frequent buying that's a got a hold of me. Today, I went to SM Valenzuela just to load up my Gcash because I made an impulsive ebay purchase because of The Pink Thought Bubble's blog post about the L'Oreal Hip Loose Powder Kohl Liners. After depositing money in Globe, I went down to Watsons just because I will pass by it on my way out of the mall so I can't resist and I haven't resisted the temptation EVER. So that's when I found these stuffs:

Shawill Eyebrow Pencil (Brown)  - PHP69.00

Belo Essentials Day Cover - PHP 169.75

The Belo Essentials Day Cover has some freebies because I get to purchase P150+ worth. I got these:

Planner | Pouch | 2 compact mirror

I actually didn't regret buying them because I know I might love them. The review will be after a week perhaps so watch out for it; but I'm still blaming The Pink Thought Bubble for my impulsive buys and money lost because of it. Hahaha! Do check out her blog for cool reviews and one of my favorite, her NYX Swatchfest.

Till next post! :)


  1. I loike the pouch and mirrors~ Hhihi!

  2. I was taken away by pink thought's post too. Its good nakakaagpigil ako ngayon, hehe

  3. @MissGennD - The mirror was too small but the pouch I like! :D

    @aringkingking - i immediately tweeted her kasi cos i liked it. ayun, her convincing power worked on me then i found myself asking her where she bought it, then i signed up for ebay just for it. hahaha! :D

  4. Nice hauls Gellie! Can't wait for the reviews.:)

  5. ikaw na siguro number one customer ng watsons. hahahahhahaha can't wait for your reviews!

  6. @Tiffie - Thanks! :D

    @Phoebe - Haha! Nakaka-ilang libo na kaya ako sa Watsons :P

  7. You are from valenzuela? that's my home town. Where just walking distance to sm... nice. maybe that's why you are so familiar.

  8. I can super relate to the impulse buying! Especially since Watson's have such affordable products, packaged so enticingly, you just have to grab something from their store. Hahaha! Watson does that to you! - Mar
    -Not Your Ordinary Beauty Queen-
    Don't miss: A House of Harlow-esque Giveaway!

  9. @Sweethestia - Wow, you're from Val din? Hope to meet you sometime. My office is just near SM Val and I'm from Val as well pero medyo malayo from SM Val :)

    @Mar - True, true! Watsons is like one of my weakest points. Sarap mag-haul :D

  10. nice haul! can't wait for the reviews =))

  11. Stylish Eye liner
    nice post, thanks for sharing....


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