Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Life Lately: To New Beginnings and Wonderful Memories

 Hey, it’s been a while. 

A lot has happened since I last uploaded something here, but I’m back and I’m hoping it’s for good. I have so much to share about what I have been up to lately and the new things I’m into. Not a total 360 degrees change, but more of I’ve finally decided to take the risk and jump onto the new things I’ve long been putting on hold.

I finally got a new job
. I have been in the Microfinance-NGO industry for about 11 years. It has been my comfort zone, and even though I know that I should have left years ago, I kept delaying it because change scares me so much. As someone who had been diagnosed with ADHD, dealing with changes and new routines excites and freaks me out. But there had been a series of “incidents” that just pushed me into finally making the big career jump.

I now work as the Communications Supervisor for Foundever™ in the Philippines, a global leader in the customer experience (CX) industry, doing marketing, branding, and PR. And so far, the work culture here is a hundred times way better than the previous organization I worked for.

I’m still doing CrossFit. So, maybe this one didn’t come as a surprise since I have already previously blogged about doing CrossFit as my workout when I started my fitness journey. I  already competed in 7 local CrossFit competitions and finished on the podium two times - 2nd place for Battle of the North last January 2023 and 3rd place for All Out Games last August 2023. So far, I won’t be joining any more competitions this year as I already have my eyes set on three competitions for 2024 and will just be now focusing more on unlocking and polishing skills and strengthening.

I am now a proud cat meowmy. So, this year I adopted two Philippine domestic shorthair cats. Burpeeta (short for Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump Over), my tortoiseshell cat, was a stray kitten whose mom died on the streets. She approached me and the cat distribution system did its magic. I fell in love with her. And Sumi (short for Sumo Deadlift Highpull), my calico cat, was given to me by my coach, because my vet said that Burpeeta needs a companion and Coach Chris already has way too many cats. You can follow Burpeeta and Sumi on Instagram, by the way -

And while I am loving all these new things and changes in my life, I can honestly say that I am still thankful for the memories I got to make with the things I went through in the past and the people I got to spend my past few years with. I am also glad to have finally taken the time to sit down and write something new in my blog again, because you all know that writing has always been my first love. I want to continue sharing my journey to the rest of the world. I know some of you have learned something from me before, and I am also still learning in the process. And what better way to document all of my learnings than by putting them into words. That’s what I do best, anyway.

So, as cliche as it may seem, let me tell you all to sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about this new chapter in my life. A lot has changed, we have grown, we have learned, and we just keep moving forward.

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