Thursday, August 04, 2011

Purchases and Gifts to Try Out

Hey everyone! I would like to share you the new stuffs I've got this week. I dunno if I'm gonna be receiving more or buying more; but so far here they are:

Yesterday, I received a call from Xend telling me I got a package and they were asking for directions. The Xend package was an "I Love My Blog" shirt I got from

When I got home, mom informed me that I got another package via Air21 and guess what, it's from G-Lish again! Surprise! I already got their first package last time and they sent another one yesterday. I love you Gelleesh loves G-Lish talaga! They gave me this Lusterstick which looks like a pretty cute color. It actually reminds me of the ELF Luscious Liquid Stick. Two great products! <3

Today, I bought a few stuff from Watsons just because I passed by it. Here are the stuff I bought from Watsons:

Caronia Nail Polish (Desire) - PHP32.00

My Posh Nail Polish (Gold) - PHP16.00

Wish Cuticle Remover - PHP16.00

Crayon Heart Jewel Lash #19 - PHP98.00 

Crayon Up Curl Mascara - PHP98.00

Total for the items I bought is: PHP260.00. I found a new brand of makeup which is super cheap and it's in Watsons so no need to fear it. Crayon brand is from Japan. I find their lashes super cute. I would want to buy more from them. Expect that!

So that's it fro my new stuffs for this week. Till next post! ;)


  1. cannot wait for the review on the mascara!!oooh the gold nail polish looks pretty!!:)

  2. Cool shirt! I want one tooooo. Hehe

  3. haha I like the shirt!! COOOOL!

  4. Thanks for blogging 'bout the shirt Gellie! I really appreciate. If you have friends who might also like to get the shirt, may I post this URL for ordering ->

  5. @Gie - Will make a review of the mascara soon and I used the gold glittery nail polish for my nail of the week. will post that soon as well ;)

    @amz88 - Crayon is a Japanese brand. I love their false lashes! :D

    @Aya and Diane - Check out the url posted by Mark here in the comments section on how to get the shirt ;)

    @Mark - No prob! Love the shirt! :D

  6. i just also recently bought caronia in desire...actually sporting it right now...and loving it :)

  7. Cool review! I blog current Japanese beauty secrets and rank it, so plz check it out! ThanX!


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